
A random quote generator using the Forismatic API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Random Quote Generator


Generates quotes from the Forismatic API with the ability to tweet the quote generated.


Node version 8.11.4 or greater:

$ node --version

NPM version 5.6.0 or greater:

$ npm --version

NPX version 9.7.1 or greater

$ npx --version

Gulp version 4 or greater (See Installation) if you have version 3.


  • Modular CSS with Sass.
  • Build System with Gulp & Browsersync
  • Layout with Flexbox.


This requires Gulp version 4 or greater. Gulp version 3 bundled the command line interface (CLI) with the library and now the CLI is a standalone package.

Open your terminal program and check your Gulp version to see if you have version 3.

$ gulp -v
[11:44:10] CLI version 2.0.1
[11:44:10] Local version 3.9.1

If you have previously installed Gulp version 3 globally (with -g flag), remove it.

npm uninstall -g gulp

Install the new standalone Gulp CLI globally.

npm install -g gulp-cli

In your terminal, navigate to your desired directory and clone this repository using git.

git clone https://github.com/begroff/random-quote-generator.git

Navigate to the random-quote-generator directory.

cd random-quote-generator

Run npm install to install dependencies.

npm install

After the dependencies are installed, run gulp. This will run the tasks for the build, start browser sync and watch html, css, and javascript files for changes.
