
Primary LanguageScala


Starting the Enterprise Shell revolution!

Getting Started

You need 3 environment variables to be able to run it:

  • SLACK_TOKEN: to connect to Slack, obtain it from slack.com
  • SLACK_WEBSOCKET_ID: a random base64 string
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: to access GitHub APIs, create one from your account

You also need a mongo instance running locally (default port, no auth …for now!).

Then sbt run!


Hubert Behaghel behaghel@gmail.com @behaghel


It is recommended to install the GitHub CLI hub.

hub clone behaghel/tobyks
cd tobyks
git checkout -b my-feature
# code a lot with thorough awesome tests
sbt test
git commit -m "Genius feature!"
hub fork
hub push YOUR_GITHUB_LOGIN my-feature
hub pull-request

Fix issse while building

For building the project you need to clone https://github.com/softprops/hubcat and change the scala and scalatest version.

In build.sbt change scalaVersion := "2.11.7" and libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.4" % "test"

Also you need to publishLocal to create repos in ivy locally