
Test results of `fonttools var.Libinterpolatable` on Google Fonts OFL collection

Primary LanguageShell


This repository holds reports of the fonttools varLib.interpolatable tool on the Google Fonts catalog. The tools here work on Linux, as well as Mac with brew.


For the first time, you would need to run

$ git submodule update

to download and populate submodules/fonttools and submodules/google-fonts. This might take a while.

To update all reports, run ./generate-all.sh.

git setup

To get a visual diff of the changes, you can configure git as below:

  • Put in your ~/.gitconfig:
    attributesfile = ~/.gitattributes


[difftool "ttf-html-bz2"]
   cmd = ~/google-fonts-ofl-interpolatable-results/diff-ttf-html-bz2.sh \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$MERGED\"

(update the directory path as you wish.)

And then in ~/.gitattributes:

*.ttf.html.bz2 diff=diff-ttf-html-bz2

This way, you can use eg.:

$ ./review-one reports/FamilyName.html.bz2

To open all the changed HTML files in your browser (at your own risk), do:

$ ./review-all