
Run Redmine on Raspberry using docker

Primary LanguageShell

Redmine on RaspberryPi with docker


Redmine server instance on a docker container running on RaspberryPi 4.


  • 3 containers
    • Redmine
    • Postgresql database
    • Git repositories storage
  • 1 network
  • 3 volumes
    • db volume to persist database
    • data volume to persist files uploaded to redmine
    • repos volume to persist Git repositories
  • 1 secret file for DB password


  • Pull repository to get docker-compose.yml file and docker images
  • Build required images: alpine-git and then redmine-repos
  • Set password in file dbpassword
  • Run command sudo systemctl enable docker to allow automatic start at Rpi boot

Run Redmine

Go into directory containing docker-compose.yml file and execute following command docker-compose up -d

First usage

The first time you run Redmine, you need to init repositories first.

  • Attach to repositories container to clone:
    • Simply attaching to container is not sufficient since container doesn't run shell command. Most suitable option is to execute a shell command to it with interractive option with binding to TTY
    • docker container exec -it <nom_container> sh
  • Go into folder /usr/repos
  • Clone all required repositories (ensure to use --mirror option)
    • git clone --mirror <url>

Access Remine

  • From any browser having access to the Raspberry, browse to URL <raspberry-address>:3000
  • Default login/password is admin/admin. You will be invited to change it at the first login


  • Once redmine has been started and DB has been initialized, password is setup and changing it requires more than simply updating the dbpassword file