
Get keyboard height in Flutter

Tip guid useful:

example state notifier:

setup flutter

I. Dart Online:

II. fix up store ios flutter 1.9: flutter build ios --release may use a debug Flutter.framework by mistake

III. Vòng đời flutter:

IV. bg tracking ios example:

V. create plugin example:

1. Example:

2. Dart language:

3. Flutter_redux

4. Networking:

5. Data local:

1. Shared Preferences:

2. SQLite:

6. Native module code:


1. ListView:

a. Cơ bản

b. Loadmore

c. Swipe To Refresh to Flutter app

d. Listview filter search in Flutter

e. Add header:

    itemCount: data == null ? 1 : data.length + 1,
    itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        if (index == 0) {
            // return the header
            return new Column(...);
        index -= 1;

        // return row
        var row = data[index];
        return new InkWell(... with row ...);

8. Flutter & Firebase Authentication demo

9. Json

10. AsyncMemoizer: it runs the function only once, and when called again, returns the cached future.

11. Tablayout

12. Create flugin

13. Action sheet (IOS)

14. Bottom sheet (Android)

15. Popup Menu Button

16: Bottom Tab:

17. Image

18. Keyword Android and IOS:

The keyword for Android theme/style is Material (default design), the keyword for iOS theme/style is Cupertino. Every iOS theme widget has the prefix Cupertino. So that, for you requirement, we can guess the keyword is CupertinoDialog/CupertinoAlertDialog

19. Flutter calling child class function from parent class

20. Chat demo

21. Controlling State from outside of a StatefulWidget

22. Scrolling Animation in Flutter

23. MVP, bloc, rxdart, dio..

24. extend class

25. Build Flutter

for that you need to run flutter build ios --release before you archive the app.
This is a known issue.

26: Hide bottom navigation bar on scroll down and vice versa

27: errorCode

* 100 Continue
* 101 Switching Protocols
* 200 OK
* 201 Created
* 202 Accepted
* 203 Non-Authoritative Information
* 204 No Content
* 205 Reset Content
* 206 Partial Content
* 300 Multiple Choices
* 301 Moved Permanently
* 302 Found
* 303 See Other
* 304 Not Modified
* 307 Temporary Redirect
* 308 Permanent Redirect
* 400 Bad Request
* 401 Unauthorized
* 403 Forbidden
* 404 Not Found
* 405 Method Not Allowed
* 406 Not Acceptable
* 407 Proxy Authentication Required
* 408 Request Timeout
* 409 Conflict
* 410 Gone
* 411 Length Required
* 412 Precondition Failed
* 413 Payload Too Large
* 414 URI Too Long
* 415 Unsupported Media Type
* 416 Range Not Satisfiable
* 417 Expectation Failed
* 418 I'm a teapot
* 422 Unprocessable Entity
* 425 Too Early
* 426 Upgrade Required
* 428 Precondition Required
* 429 Too Many Requests
* 431 Request Header Fields Too Large
* 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
* 500 Internal Server Error
* 501 Not Implemented
* 502 Bad Gateway
* 503 Service Unavailable
* 504 Gateway Timeout
* 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
* 511 Network Authentication Required

28: Inapp purchase

  1. Validating Receipts With the App Store:
  2. set up apk android:

30 One Signal:

31 CryptoJS AES Encryption/Decryption For Flutter/Dart

32 Native view:

  1. UIKITView

33 Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate]

34 Localizing the Cut|Copy|Paste menu on iOS

35 How to check internet connection is online /offline in application background?

36 How to use BottomNavigationBar with Navigator?

37: Flutter: How to hide or show more text within certain length