Bootstrap4 modal enhancement

This library allows you to create modal windows programmatically without using HTML markup. It is also possible to create windows one on top of the other.

Simpe usage:

import Dialog from 'bootstrap4_dialog/src/dialog'

Dialog('my content') // can HTML markup, DOM element, jQuery collection

Advanced usage:

import Dialog from 'bootstrap4_dialog/src/dialog'

let mainDialog = Dialog({
    message: myContent, // can: text, HTML markup, DOM element, jQuery collection
    title: myTitle,
    size: 'md', // can: xl, lg, md, sm,
    classes: '', // Extra classes for modal
    dialogClasses: '', // Extra classes for dialog
    close: true, // Show close button,
    show: true, // Show after initialization
    buttons: [ // default null
            text: 'Close',
            action: 'close' // can: submit|reset (submit or reset a form from dialog)
            text: 'Alert',
            action: (e) => {
                Dialog.alert('Dialog over dialog.')
            text: 'Confirm',
            action: (e) => {
                Dialog.confirm('Are you sure?', (assert) => {
                    if (assert) {