
A lightweight and easy-to-use library for creating beautiful and interactive charts

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Chartify

Vue Chartify is a lightweight and easy-to-use library for creating beautiful and interactive charts with Vue.js. Supports the common chart types, such as line and bar chart and more will be added soon.

  • MIT License
  • Static Badge
  • Static Badge


  • Responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes
  • Lightweight, efficient, on-demand binding events
  • Customizable colors, fonts, lines, and animation
  • Supports Vue 3 and TypeScript


  • Use npm:
  npm install vue-chartify
  • Add the css in main.ts
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import "vue-chartify/style.css"

  • Import the component
<script lang="ts">
  import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
  import { VcBarChart, VcLineChart } from 'vue-chartify';
  export default defineComponent({
      components: { VcBarChart, VcLineChart },
      // rest of your component
  • Use the component in template

    • Bar Chart
        :bar-colors="['#454d66', '#309975', '#58b368', '#dad873', '#efeeb4', '#454d66', '#309975']"
    • Line Chart

Common Props

* = required

Name Type Default Description
dataSource * Object[] [] Binds the UI component to data
argumentField * String undefined Specifies which data source field provides arguments for series points
valueField * String undefined Specifies which data source field provides values for series points
width String 100% Specifies the width of the UI component
height String 500px Specifies the height of the UI component in pixels.edges
showValueLabels Boolean false Shows the value as label on data points
showArgumentTitles Boolean true Shows the argument (x-axis) titles
showValueTitles Boolean true Shows the value (y-axis) titles
showValueAxisLine Boolean true Shows the value axis (y-axis) line
showArgumentAxisLine Boolean true Shows the argument axis (x-axis) line
showHorizontalGridLines Boolean false Shows the horizontal grid
showVerticalGridLines Boolean false Shows the vertical grid lines
horizontalGridLineOptions Object {stroke: '#dddddd80', 'stroke-width': '1px'} Specifies the horizontal grid lines style
verticalGridLineOptions Object {stroke: '#dddddd80', 'stroke-width': '1px' Specifies the vertical grid lines
fontSize String 12px Specify font size value
fontColor String black Specify font color
fontFamily String Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Specify font family
animation Boolean true Enables the animation in the UI component
animationDuration String 0.5s Specifies how long the animation runs
breakpoints Object Breakpoints Specifies breakpoints for chart responsiveness
customValueLabel Function (value: number, index: number) => value Custom value label function

Specific Props

  • Bar Chart Props
Name Type Default Description
barColor String black Specifies bar colors
barColors String[] [] Specifies color for each specific bar
barRadius Number 0 Specifies bar radius value
  • Line Chart Props
Name Type Default Description
lineColor String black Specifies line color
lineWidth Number 3 Specifies width value of the line
showPoints Boolean true Show the points


The default object of Breakpoints has the following properties. The gap value determines the spacing and affects their sizes.

    xs: {
        width: '576px',
        gap: '20px'
    sm: {
        width: '768px',
        gap: '22px'
    md: {
        width: '992px',
        gap: '25px'
    lg: {
        width: '1200px',
        gap: '27px'
    xl: {
        width: '1400px',
        gap: '30px'



    <div class="bar-charts">
        :bar-colors="['#454d66', '#309975', '#58b368', '#dad873', '#efeeb4', '#454d66', '#309975']"
        :bar-colors="['#e0f0ea', '#95adbe', '#574f7d', '#503a65', '#3c2a4d', '#e0f0ea', '#95adbe']"

import { VcBarChart, VcLineChart } from 'vue-chartify'
export default {
  components: { VcBarChart, VcLineChart },
  data() {
    return {
      dataSource: [
          continent: 'Europe',
          population: 740433713,
          area: 22134710,
          density: 33
          continent: 'Africa',
          population: 1460481772,
          area: 29648481,
          density: 49
          continent: 'South America',
          population: 439719009,
          area: 17461112,
          density: 25
          continent: 'North America',
          population: 604182517,
          area: 21330000,
          density: 28
          continent: 'Asia',
          population: 4753079726,
          area: 31033131,
          density: 153
          continent: 'Australia',
          population: 46004866,
          area: 8486460,
          density: 5
          continent: 'Antartica',
          population: 0,
          area: 13720000,
          density: 0
  methods: {
    onBarClick(data) {
    onPointClick(data) {
    getValueLabel(value) {
      if (value > 0 && value < 1) {
        const precision = Math.ceil(-Math.log10(value))
        return value.toFixed(precision)
      return value.toLocaleString()

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.bar-charts {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;