
Ansible role for simple deployment of a Laravel app with ansistrano.deploy and docker compose.

Ansistrano Deploy Laravel

Ansible role for simple deployment of a Laravel app with ansistrano.deploy and docker compose.


Ansistrano role uses ansible.posix collection, so you need to install it too. You can use requirements.yml file:

  - name: ansistrano.deploy.laravel
    src: https://github.com/beholdr/ansistrano.deploy.laravel

  - name: ansible.posix
    version: 1.5.4


Example inventory.yml:

      ansible_user: root
      ansible_host: dev.sitename.com # or IP address
      app_name: sitename-dev
      app_url: dev.sitename.com
      app_path: /srv/sitename-dev
      app_environment: dev

Example playbook.yml:

- name: Deploy
  hosts: servers
  gather_facts: false

    ansistrano_deploy_from: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../"
    ansistrano_deploy_to: "{{ app_path }}"
    ansistrano_keep_releases: 5

    # you can override some variables
      - "storage"
      - "your/other/path"

    - name: Laravel deploy role
        name: ansistrano.deploy.laravel

Env and compose files

You can put .env and compose.yml files for each of your environments in the project root:

├─ .env.dev
├─ .env.production
├─ compose.production.yml
└─ compose.dev.yml

Files could be plain or encrypted with ansible vault. Corresponding file (determined by app_environment) will be uploaded to your server and decrypted automatically.


The defaults role vars:

  • app_environment: environment (default: dev)
  • app_http_user: user name for files ownership (default www-data)
  • app_exclude_paths: list of paths to exclude by rsync
  • app_shared_paths: list of paths to use as shared between releases
  • app_writable_paths: list of paths to create and set writable
  • app_docker_commands: list of commands to run in the docker container on deployment

You can override these vars or, if you just want to add some items to lists without overriding defaults, you can use _add variables:

  • app_exclude_paths_add
  • app_shared_paths_add
  • app_writable_paths_add
  • app_docker_commands_add

Artisan commands with conditions

Every artisan command can include enabled field to determine if it should run. For example, you can enable DB seeding on the non-production environment:

- command: php artisan migrate:fresh --seed --force
  enabled: "{{ app_environment == 'dev' }}"

- command: php artisan migrate --force
  enabled: "{{ app_environment == 'production' }}"

Run command as root

By default commands run as app_http_user. But some commands (e.g. composer install) may require root privileges. You can add root: true flag in this case.

Default commands

- command: composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
  root: true
- command: composer dump-autoload --classmap-authoritative
  root: true
- command: php artisan storage:link
  root: true
- command: php artisan config:cache
- command: php artisan route:cache
- command: php artisan view:cache
- command: php artisan event:cache
- command: php artisan migrate --force