
Use Tribuo ML model in metamorph.ml

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Clojars Project CI


Integration of tribuo ML library into the scicloj.ml / metamorph framework.


All models of tribuo are supported out of the box, via a configuration map. See tribuo website for details.

Prepare data:

(require '[scicloj.ml.tribuo]
          '[scicloj.metamorph.ml :as ml]
          '[tech.v3.dataset.modelling :as dsmod]
          '[scicloj.metamorph.ml.toydata :as data]

(def iris (data/iris-ds))
(def split (dsmod/train-test-split iris ))

train / predict:

(def model (ml/train (:train-ds split)
                        {:model-type :scicloj.ml.tribuo/classification
                         :tribuo-components [{:name "trainer"
                                              :type "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer"}]
                         :tribuo-trainer-name "trainer"}))
(def prediction (ml/predict (:test-ds split) model))

the same as above , using a metamorh pipeline which can encapsulate the state (= the trained model in this case)

;;  the same using metamorh pipelines

(require '[scicloj.metamorph.core :as mm]')
(def cart-pipeline
   (ml/model {:model-type :scicloj.ml.tribuo/classification
              :tribuo-components [{:name "trainer"
                                   :type "org.tribuo.classification.dtree.CARTClassificationTrainer"}]
              :tribuo-trainer-name "trainer"})))

;;  no global variable needed, as state is in context
(->> (mm/fit-pipe (:train-ds split) cart-pipeline)           ;train model
     (mm/transform-pipe (:test-ds split) cart-pipeline)      ;make prediction  
     :metamorph/data)                                        ;extract prediction from context

build and deploy

Run the project's tests

$ clojure -T:build test

Run the project's CI pipeline and build a JAR:

$ clojure -T:build ci

This will produce an updated pom.xml file with synchronized dependencies inside the META-INF directory inside target/classes and the JAR in target. You can update the version (and SCM tag) information in generated pom.xml by updating build.clj.

Install it locally (requires the ci task be run first):

$ clojure -T:build install

Deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_PASSWORD environment variables (requires the ci task be run first):

$ clojure -T:build deploy

Your library will be deployed to net.clojars.scicloj/scicloj.ml.tribuo on clojars.org by default.


Copyright © 2024 Carsten Behring

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.