People's Travel Sorter

This is package written by PHP to sort unlimmited number of trips by unlimmited number of vehicles. Author : Behzad Fazel Asl License : None.


  1. PHP 7
  2. Composer


1.Just place it on a server or virtual host 2. Run "composer dump-autoload -o" 3. you are good to go .. Enjoy it :)


  1. you can hit the "" to see the result.
  2. you can also call a Rest API .just make a GET request to "" to get json form result for application and etc


you can put your array of boardings in the "src/Database/boardingCollection.php".

thank you for your time. if there is anything i could have done better, please let me know. "" is my email address . you can also find @behzad_fz in linkedin, twitter, gitlab, ...