A library for standard and secure IPC based on ZMQ sockets

  • You can use simple APIs like send_message() or send_secure_message() to sending information between two process or program.

  • We've used the ZMQ DEALER socket to establish the bidirectional connection to sending and receiving messages.

  • For build and run you need libmsgpack-dev, libzmq-dev, libczmq-dev, and curve library.

  • This app uses CURVE security and ZAP as a communication protocol and also it uses Public/ Private key mechanisms to exchange messages.

  • To run in an appropriate manner you need to feed the sender (or server) key to the receiver (or client) process.

  • IMPORTANT: You need first to run [./secure_proc1] and then [./secure_proc2] to make and produce the pub key and certificates into .curve and .cert directories, respectively.

  • DO NOT EDIT the keys and certificates in the .curve and .cert directories.

  • There is no priority to run [./proc1] or [./proc2] in normal communication.

Compile and Run

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make



Secure with Verbose descriptions
