
Azure Key Vault provider for Secret Store CSI driver allows you to get secret contents stored in Azure Key Vault instance and use the Secret Store CSI driver interface to mount them into Kubernetes pods.

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Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver

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Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI driver allows you to get secret contents stored in an Azure Key Vault instance and use the Secrets Store CSI driver interface to mount them into Kubernetes pods.


  • Mounts secrets/keys/certs on pod start using a CSI volume
  • Supports mounting multiple secrets store objects as a single volume
  • Supports pod identity to restrict access with specific identities
  • Supports pod portability with the SecretProviderClass CRD
  • Supports windows containers (Kubernetes version v1.18+)
  • Supports sync with Kubernetes Secrets (Secrets Store CSI Driver v0.0.10+)
  • Supports multiple secrets stores providers in the same cluster.

Table of Contents


Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver Demo


This guide will walk you through the steps to configure and run the Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI driver on Kubernetes.

Install the Secrets Store CSI Driver and the Azure Keyvault Provider


Recommended Kubernetes version:

  • For Linux - v1.16.0+
  • For Windows - v1.18.0+

For Kubernetes version 1.15 and below, please use Azure Keyvault Flexvolume

Deployment using Helm

Follow this guide to install the Secrets Store CSI driver and the Azure Key Vault provider using Helm.

Alternatively, follow this guide to install using deployment yamls.

In addition, if you are using Secrets Store CSI Driver and the Azure Keyvault Provider in a cluster with pod security policy enabled, review and create the following policy that enables the spec required for Secrets Store CSI Driver and the Azure Keyvault Provider to work:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-azure/master/deployment/pod-security-policy.yaml

Using the Azure Key Vault Provider

Create a new Azure Key Vault resource or use an existing one

In addition to a Kubernetes cluster, you will need an Azure Key Vault resource with secret content to access. Follow this quickstart tutorial to deploy an Azure Key Vault and add an example secret to it.

Review the settings you desire for your Key Vault, such as what resources (Azure VMs, Azure Resource Manager, etc.) and what kind of network endpoints can access secrets in it.

Take note of the following properties for use in the next section:

  1. Name of secret object in Key Vault
  2. Secret content type (secret, key, cert)
  3. Name of Key Vault resource
  4. Resource group the Key Vault resides within
  5. Azure Subscription ID the Key Vault was provisioned with
  6. Azure Tenant ID the Subscription ID belongs to

Create your own SecretProviderClass Object

Create a SecretProviderClass custom resource to provide provider-specific parameters for the Secrets Store CSI driver. In this example, use an existing Azure Key Vault or the Azure Key Vault resource created previously.

NOTE: The SecretProviderClass has to be in the same namespace as the pod referencing it.

Update this sample deployment to create a SecretProviderClass resource to provide Azure-specific parameters for the Secrets Store CSI driver.

To provide identity to access key vault, refer to the following section.

apiVersion: secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecretProviderClass
  name: azure-kvname
  provider: azure
    usePodIdentity: "false"         # [OPTIONAL for Azure] if not provided, will default to "false"
    useVMManagedIdentity: "false"   # [OPTIONAL available for version > 0.0.4] if not provided, will default to "false"
    userAssignedIdentityID: "client_id"  # [OPTIONAL available for version > 0.0.4] use the client id to specify which user assigned managed identity to use. If using a user assigned identity as the VM's managed identity, then specify the identity's client id. If empty, then defaults to use the system assigned identity on the VM
    keyvaultName: "kvname"          # the name of the KeyVault
    cloudName: ""          # [OPTIONAL available for version > 0.0.4] if not provided, azure environment will default to AzurePublicCloud
    cloudEnvFileName: ""   # [OPTIONAL available for version > 0.0.7] use to define path to file for populating azure environment
    objects:  |
        - |
          objectName: secret1
          objectAlias: SECRET_1     # [OPTIONAL available for version > 0.0.4] object alias
          objectType: secret        # object types: secret, key or cert. For Key Vault certificates, refer to https://github.com/Azure/secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-azure/blob/master/docs/getting-certs-and-keys.md for the object type to use
          objectVersion: ""         # [OPTIONAL] object versions, default to latest if empty
        - |
          objectName: key1
          objectAlias: ""           # If provided then it has to be referenced in [secretObjects].[objectName] to sync with Kubernetes secrets 
          objectType: key
          objectVersion: ""
    resourceGroup: "rg1"            # [REQUIRED for version < 0.0.4] the resource group of the KeyVault
    subscriptionId: "subid"         # [REQUIRED for version < 0.0.4] the subscription ID of the KeyVault
    tenantId: "tid"                 # the tenant ID of the KeyVault
Name Required Description Default Value
provider yes specify name of the provider ""
usePodIdentity no specify access mode: service principal or pod identity "false"
useVMManagedIdentity no [available for version > 0.0.4] specify access mode to enable use of VM's managed identity "false"
userAssignedIdentityID no [available for version > 0.0.4] the user assigned identity ID is required for VMSS User Assigned Managed Identity mode ""
keyvaultName yes name of a Key Vault instance ""
cloudName no [available for version > 0.0.4] name of the azure cloud based on azure go sdk (AzurePublicCloud, AzureUSGovernmentCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureGermanCloud, AzureStackCloud) ""
cloudEnvFileName no [available for version > 0.0.7] path to the file to be used while populating the Azure Environment (required if target cloud is AzureStackCloud). More details here. ""
objects yes a string of arrays of strings ""
objectName yes name of a Key Vault object ""
objectAlias no [available for version > 0.0.4] specify the filename of the object when written to disk - defaults to objectName if not provided ""
objectType yes type of a Key Vault object: secret, key or cert.
For Key Vault certificates, refer to doc for the object type to use.
objectVersion no version of a Key Vault object, if not provided, will use latest ""
objectFormat no [available for version > 0.0.7] the format of the Azure Key Vault object, supported types are pem and pfx. objectFormat: pfx is only supported with objectType: secret and PKCS12 or ECC certificates "pem"
objectEncoding no [available for version > 0.0.8] the encoding of the Azure Key Vault secret object, supported types are utf-8, hex and base64. This option is supported only with objectType: secret "utf-8"
resourceGroup no [required for version < 0.0.4] name of resource group containing key vault instance ""
subscriptionId no [required for version < 0.0.4] subscription ID containing key vault instance ""
tenantId yes tenant ID containing key vault instance ""

Provide Identity to Access Key Vault

The Azure Key Vault Provider offers four modes for accessing a Key Vault instance:

  1. Service Principal
  2. Pod Identity
  3. VMSS User Assigned Managed Identity
  4. VMSS System Assigned Managed Identity

Update your Deployment Yaml

To ensure your application is using the Secrets Store CSI driver, update your deployment yaml to use the secrets-store.csi.k8s.io driver and reference the SecretProviderClass resource created in the previous step.

Update your linux deployment yaml or windows deployment yaml to use the Secrets Store CSI driver and reference the SecretProviderClass resource created in the previous step.

    - name: secrets-store-inline
        driver: secrets-store.csi.k8s.io
        readOnly: true
          secretProviderClass: "azure-kvname"

Deploy your Kubernetes Resources

  1. Deploy the SecretProviderClass yaml created previously. For example:

    kubectl apply -f ./examples/v1alpha1_secretproviderclass.yaml

  2. Deploy the application yaml created previously. For example:

    kubectl apply -f ./examples/nginx-pod-inline-volume-service-principal.yaml

Validate the secret

To validate, once the pod is started, you should see the new mounted content at the volume path specified in your deployment yaml.

## show secrets held in secrets-store
kubectl exec -it nginx-secrets-store-inline ls /mnt/secrets-store/

## print a test secret held in secrets-store
kubectl exec -it nginx-secrets-store-inline cat /mnt/secrets-store/secret1

Azure Key Vault Provider Features

Secret Content is Mounted on Pod Start

On pod start and restart, the driver will call the Azure provider binary to retrieve the secret content from the Azure Key Vault instance you have specified in the SecretProviderClass custom resource. Then the content will be mounted to the container's file system.

To validate, once the pod is started, you should see the new mounted content at the volume path specified in your deployment yaml.

kubectl exec -it nginx-secrets-store-inline ls /mnt/secrets-store/

[OPTIONAL] Sync with Kubernetes Secrets

In some cases, you may want to create a Kubernetes Secret to mirror the mounted content. Use the optional secretObjects field to define the desired state of the synced Kubernetes secret objects.

NOTE: Make sure the objectName in secretObjects matches the name of the mounted content. This could be the object name or the object alias.

A SecretProviderClass custom resource should have the following components:

apiVersion: secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecretProviderClass
  name: my-provider
  provider: azure
  secretObjects:                              # [OPTIONAL] SecretObject defines the desired state of synced K8s secret objects
  - data:
    - key: username                           # data field to populate
      objectName: foo1                        # name of the mounted content to sync. this could be the object name or the object alias
    secretName: foosecret                     # name of the Kubernetes Secret object
    type: Opaque                              # type of the Kubernetes Secret object e.g. Opaque, kubernetes.io/tls

NOTE: Here is the list of supported Kubernetes Secret types: Opaque, kubernetes.io/basic-auth, bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token, kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson, kubernetes.io/dockercfg, kubernetes.io/ssh-auth, kubernetes.io/service-account-token, kubernetes.io/tls.



Once the secret is created, you may wish to set an ENV VAR in your deployment to reference the new Kubernetes secret.

  - image: nginx
    name: nginx
          name: foosecret
          key: username

Here is a sample deployment yaml that creates an ENV VAR from the synced Kubernetes secret.

[OPTIONAL] Enable Auto Rotation of Secrets

You can setup the Secrets Store CSI Driver to periodically update the pod mount and Kubernetes Secret with the latest content from external secrets-store. Refer to doc for steps on enabling auto rotation.

NOTE The CSI driver does not restart the application pods. It only handles updating the pod mount and Kubernetes secret similar to how Kubernetes handles updates to Kubernetes secret mounted as volumes.


For Azure Key Vault Provider version < 0.0.9

To troubleshoot issues with the csi driver and the provider, you can look at logs from the secrets-store container of the csi driver pod running on the same node as your application pod:

kubectl get pod -o wide
# find the secrets store csi driver pod running on the same node as your application pod

kubectl logs csi-secrets-store-secrets-store-csi-driver-7x44t secrets-store

For Azure Key Vault Provider version 0.0.9+

For 0.0.9+ the provider logs are available in the provider pods. To troubleshoot issues with the provider, you can look at logs from the provider pod running on the same node as your application pod

kubectl get pod -o wide
# find the csi-secrets-store-provider-azure pod running on the same node as your application pod

kubectl logs csi-csi-secrets-store-provider-azure-lmx6p


Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.


For documentation on how to locally test the Secrets Store CSI Driver Provider for Azure, please refer to this guide

Other Azure Clouds

For documentation on how to pull secret content from air-gapped and/or on-prem clouds (such as Azure Stack Hub), please refer to this guide.


Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver is an open source project that is not covered by the Microsoft Azure support policy. Please search open issues here, and if your issue isn't already represented please open a new one. The project maintainers will respond to the best of their abilities.


This demo created by Houssem Dellai is using AAD Pod Identity and Secret Store CSI provider for Key Vault to retrieve database login and password from Azure Key Vault. Watch it here.

This demo created by Nilesh Gule is using VMSS Managed Identity and Secret Store CSI provider for Key Vault to retrieve RabbitMQ related secret from Azure Key Vault. These secrets are synced with Kubernetes Secret object and then injected into deployment as ENV variables. Integrate Azure Key Vault (AKV) with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in 5 easy steps