QUOREM: Query, Unify, and Organize Research on the Ecology of Microorganisms

Primary LanguageHTML

QUOREM for the geno-MIC Project

This repository contains a fork of the QUOREM project with customizations added for the geno-MIC project.


Python3 + Postgres + Redis + Celery

Postgres: https://www.postgresql.org/download/

Redis: https://redis.io/topics/quickstart

Quick Install

Quick install requires anaconda or miniconda.

  1. Make sure you have anaconda/miniconda, postgres, and redis installed.

  2. Download or clone this repository.

  3. Navigate to the cloned folder and run install.sh. You may need to change the permissons.

$ chmod 755 install.sh

$ ./install.sh

  1. Follow the directions on screen. Don't worry about forgetting your credentials; the install script will create a text file saving them.

  2. During installation you will be asked to choose a name for a virtual environment. To start QUOREM, open two console tabs. In the first, type:

$ launchquorem

In the second, type:

$ runcelery

Then, open your web browser and navigate to localhost:8000. QUOREM should be functioning there.

  1. To wipe your database, use the resetdb utility. Simply type: $ resetdb yourPostgresUsername yourDatabaseName

For Developers

  1. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt Install django-wiki with the commands in scripts/installdjangowiki.sh in a suitable directory (bleeding edge for the moment).

  2. Create postgres user: $ createuser -U postgres -P -s -e <your_new_username>

  3. Create a new - empty - database: $ createdb -U <username> <your_new_databasename>

  4. Edit the settings.py file: Set your NAME, USER and PASSWORD for your database.

  5. Make and migrate migrations: python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate

  6. Get staticfiles in order: python manage.py collectstatic

  7. Initialize the wiki: python manage.py initializewiki

  8. Run the Celery task queue in one shell: celery -A quorem worker

  9. Run the application in another: python manage.py runserver


If you recieve an error during migration "cannot create extension pg_trgm", run the script extenddb.sh with the usage: $ ./extenddb.sh your_dbName.

Utility scripts will not be configured properly without using install.sh. If you chose to manually install, you will have to reconfigure them to work on your system.