Automatic whatsapp alerts for free slots in Big Basket!
- Python (Incase you dont have it, download it from here)
- Windows Machine (Running on Linux may need some minor tweaks)
We will use Twilio for sending whatsapp messages.
- Create your free account here. Login to your account and note down the auth_token and account_sid.
- Activate Twilio-Whatsapp sandbox using the instructions here. Save the bot number in your contacts. You will be receiving alerts from the same.
Run the folowing command in command prompt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Replace auth_token and account_sid in from Step 1.
- Replace your mobile number in
- Run the folowing test command in windows command prompt to test whatsapp integration:
- If all goes well, you should receive a "Hello World" message on your whatsapp from the number you saved in Step 1.
- Run the folowing command in windows command prompt to start the program:
- Once you run the main command, a test controlled browser will open asking you to login to your BigBasket website using mobile OTP.
- Make sure you have some items added to your basket.
- Once you login it, it will starts monitoring the slots. You may minimize the window now but keep the program running.
- You will reveive a whatsapp message if a free slot if found.