
Dynamic rails and react web application for retrieving and displaying photos

Primary LanguageRuby


A full-stack application made using Ruby on Rails and React.

Setup for macOS

Run the following commands to make sure you have the correct versions of Ruby and Rails installed:

ruby -v     // version 2.5.1
rails -v    // version 5.2.1

If not, run the following commands to install the correct versions:

rbenv install -v 2.5.1
rbenv rehash
rbenv local 2.5.1

gem install rails -v 5.2.1

Add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile if you are using bash, or ~/.zshenv if using you are zsh:

export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Install the bundler gem to help manage dependencies:

gem install bundler

In the app main directory, run:

bundle install

Setting Up React

Navigate to the application's client directory, then run:

npm install

Setting up PostgreSQL

If you're setting up the application for the first time, run the following instructions to populate the database:

psql -U postgres

CREATE DATABASE image_repository_development;
CREATE DATABASE image_repository_test;

Starting the application locally

In the root directory, run:

rails server -p 3001

In the client directory, run:

npm start

This starts the React client on port 3000 and the Rails server on port 3001.