
This is the mobile adventure app of InsideOutAdventure, available on Android and iOS.

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InsideOut Adventure empowers parents to effectively incentivize their children to develop healthy habits by embracing their joy for the digital world. With our reward system, children can earn credits by engaging in healthy activities and redeem these credits on screen time & digital products.

App Screenshots

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Setup instructions

Get code and packages


Version: 14.1 released November 1, 2022 Release Notes Summary

Xcode 14.1 includes Swift 5.7 and SDKs for iOS 16.1, iPadOS 16.1, tvOS 16.1, watchOS 9.1, and macOS Ventura. The Xcode 14.1 release supports on-device debugging in iOS 11 and later, tvOS 11 and later, and watchOS 4 and later. Xcode 14.1 requires a Mac running macOS Monterey 12.5 or later.

Relevant excerpts re: supportability (source)

Xcode Version
  Xcode 14.1
Minimum OS Required
  macOS Monterey 12.5
  iOS 16.1
  macOS 13
Deployment Targets
  iOS 11-16.1
  macOS 10.13-13
  iOS 12.4-16.1
  Swift 4
  Swift 4.2
  Swift 5.7


The current version of the app is tested with:

Flutter 3.0.5 • channel stable •
Framework • revision f1875d570e (7 months ago) • 2022-07-13 11:24:16 -0700
Engine • revision e85ea0e79c
Tools • Dart 2.17.6 • DevTools 2.12.2

Checkout the correct flutter version, clone the repo, and in the root folder of the repository run

flutter pub get

to define the necessary api keys as env variables run

source # (requires .env file to be present)

Firebase configuration

We use the firebase CLI.

# install firebase tools
npm install -g firebase-tools
# log in to firebase with the Google account used for the Firebase projects.
firebase login
# list all projects with 
firebase projects:list
# switch projects with 
firebase use <project_id>

We also use the flutterfire CLI

# install the flutterfire CLI
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli

# as per the post-install prompt (at least on MacOS),
# add this to your shell's config file (.bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.):
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"

The project IDs of our development database is afk-credits-112d2, our production database has the id afk-credits-prod (afk-credits is a legacy name). Now we can generate the necessary firebase configuration file with flutterfire

# for the dev environment 
# for the prod environment

Among other files, this will generate a android/app/google-service.json and ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist that configures the app with firebase. To conveniently switch between dev and prod project, move the google-service.json file to android/app/src/dev and andoird/app/src/prod, respectively. For iOS, the above command currently needs to be re-executed whenever the firebase project is switched.

Running the app with different flavors

We use different Flutter flavors to run the app with the different firebase projects. The following runs the app in development flavor calling the main_dev.dart file as entry point

flutter run --flavor dev -t lib/main_dev.dart --debug

To run the prod environment (use with caution) switch the firebase project and run

flutter run --flavor prod -t lib/main_prod.dart --debug

Note that some warnings are currently expected when building the app. For iOS, it is recommended to run in --release mode, because otherwise the app cannot be used on the phone standalone.

IDE Setup Notes

Just listing items specific to this project here.

Visual Studio Code

For convenience, different modes (flavors) are configured in .vscode/launch.json.

Jetbrains (IntelliJ IDEA)

For convenience, different modes (flavors) are configured in .iml files inside .intellij/.run

TODO: Prod Flavor

Optimize Imports and 'dart format'

TODO: Find a way to exclude these in the future or customize this functionality for our project

These locations were reverted since the emitted changes were messy:

  • functions/ - Javascript code
  • insideout_ui/lib/insideout_ui.dart - Export commands are interleaved with comments which gets mangled
  • lib/app/app.locator.dart - Comments re: generated code get deleted



  • When building iOS, and error might appear saying error: Unexpected duplicate tasks. To solve it, delete the GoogleService-Info.plist file from the Compile Sources of the Build Phases of your target in xcode. See here.

Developer Wiki

Framework / state management

  • We use the stacked framework. It is one of the cleanest and most scalable solutions out there. (Find an introduction video here)
  • We also have a youtube search tool available, to pull up relevant FilledStacks video snippets with great explanations on various concepts: (try for example: 'How does stacked work?'). Note that some details in the videos are outdated, the general concepts are, however, still very relevant.

File structure

  • Our structure is adopted from the recommendations from the stacked framework
  • In addition, we use a separate package for standard UI elements. It is found under the insideout_ui/ directory.

Coding Guidelines

  • Generally, we follow the guidelines from the stacked framework.
  • Please use the logger and print information about the code including an appropriate logger level (Tip: when running the app, filter for flutter in the debug console to only get our logger outputs)
  • Please try to write self-documenting code and only add comments when it is really necessary to understand the logic or to explain the reason behind a code snippet that otherwise might be forgotten.

Code Generation

  • We use the StackedGenerator to generate the code for our locator (dependency injection) as well as the necessary router information. This happens in lib/app/app.dart.
  • We use freezed and json_serializable to generate the code for our datamodels.
  • Run source to generate all required snippets.
  • can be used to continuously update all generated code whenever a file changes.

Collaboration / version control

  • We follow a feature branch workflow. In short: For any change to the app:
    1. create a new branch
    2. create a PR and ask for review
    3. revise the code if necessary
    4. ask it to be merged to master whenever it is considered ready

Information about status of code

Legacy naming

  • In the project settings/names & DB names 'afkcredits' or 'hercules' may still be used instead of 'insideout' or 'insideoutadventure'