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percomorph CONDELs

This repository provides the code for identifying genomic deletions that are associated with pelvic and caudal fin reduction in independent lineages of fish, as described in the following manuscript:

Chen, Heidi I, Yatish Turakhia, Gill Bejerano, and David M Kingsley. “Whole-Genome Comparisons Identify Repeated Regulatory Changes Underlying Convergent Appendage Evolution in Diverse Fish Lineages.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 40, no. 9 (September 1, 2023): msad188. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad188.

System requirements

   conda env create --file environment.yaml

Prep and run the screen

1. Populate processedInputs/2bits with 2bit files for all genome assemblies

Download assembly fasta files from the sources listed in Supplementary File 1, perform repeat masking (if needed), and convert the fasta files to 2bit format using faToTwoBit. Rename the fasta sequences for the reference assembly oryLat04/GCF_002234675.1 from GenBank sequence IDs to human-readable chromosome names (i.e. chr1, chr2, ..., chrM) according to the NCBI sequence report for GCF_002234675.1.


Download and decompress a tarball of 36 pre-generated 2bit files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839

2. Populate processedInputs/gapTracks with gapTrack files for all genome assemblies

Generate assembly “gapTrack” files from each 2bit using twoBitInfo -nBed and filter to only assembly gaps of 5 Ns or longer


Download and decompress a tarball of 36 pre-generated gapTrack files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839

3. Populate processedInputs/chromSizes

Generate assembly “chromosome sizes” files from each 2bit using twoBitInfo


Download and decompress a tarball of 36 pre-generated chrom.sizes files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839

4. Populate processedInputs/filterBEDs and pickOrthoChains with files based on ensembl98 gene annotations for ASM223467v1

From ensembl biomart, download a gzipped, tab-delimited file with the following columns of information

  1. Gene stable ID
  2. Transcript stable ID
  3. Chromosome/scaffold name
  4. Transcription start site (TSS)
  5. Gene name
  6. Exon start
  7. Exon end
  8. Gene description

From ensembl FTP, download Oryzias_latipes.ASM223467v1.98.chr.gtf.gz

Then run

scripts/prepRefGenesWrapper.sh {pathToBiomartTabFile.gz} Oryzias_latipes.ASM223467v1.98.chr.gtf.gz


Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839; place these files in processedInputs/filterBEDs

Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839; place these files in pickOrthoChains

5. Acquire whole-genome pairwise alignments to the reference assembly

Skip to step 7 to use pre-generated orthologous alignment files

Generate the alignments from scratch

  • Use doBlastzChainNet.pl, the parameters provided in blastz_chain_DEF_files, and chainLinearGap=medium
  • Place the resulting {reference}.{query}.all.chain.gz files in pickOrthoChains/chains


Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated {reference}.{query}.all.chain.gz files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839; place the files in pickOrthoChains/chains

6. Map reference gene orthologs to identify orthologous alignment chains

For each query species, run python2 scripts/pickChains_0.1threshold.py {query assembly name}

e.g. python2 scripts/pickChains_0.1threshold.py hipCom01

This step may require 5-10g of RAM for each query assembly, as the {reference}.{query}.all.chain.gz alignments file will be decompressed into memory. It follows the method described in Turakhia et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Sep 18;48(16):e91. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkaa550.

7. Process orthologous chains

For each query species, run scripts/processPickedChains.sh {query assembly name}

e.g. ./scripts/processPickedChains.sh hipCom01

OR (if skipping here from step 4)

Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated {reference}.{query}.ortho.chains.gz files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839; place the files in processedInputs/orthoChains

Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated orthologous gene mapping info from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839; place the files in pickOrthoChains

8. Generate lookup files for each reference gene

For each canonical reference gene, run scripts/generateLookupFile.sh {ENSG ID} to generate a file that lists all chains to which the gene has been orthologously mapped.

For example,

for gene in $(cut -f5 processedInputs/filterBEDs/ASM223467v1_ensembl98_canonicalTSS_withInfo.tab); do
  echo scripts/generateLookupFile.sh ${gene} >> joblist

cat joblist | parallel

9. Identify chain gaps

For each set of chains in processedInputs/orthoChains/, run scripts/getChainDelsMinusPaddedAssemblyGaps.sh oryLat04.{query}.ortho.chains.gz


Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839 and place the files in processedInputs/DELs

10. Identify intact alignment (axt) blocks

For each set of chains in processedInputs/orthoChains/, run scripts/findIntactAxts.sh oryLat04.{query}.ortho.chains.gz

Then run scripts/getAxtBlocksIntactIn2TetraSyngnath.sh screenDefinitionParameters


Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839 and place the files in processedInputs/axtBlocks

Then run scripts/getAxtBlocksIntactIn2TetraSyngnath.sh screenDefinitionParameters

11. Identify sliding window conserved sequence elements

Extract chain ID-labeled fasta alignments:

For each {query}.chain_ids file in pickOrthoChains/, run scripts/getChainLabeledSeqAxt.sh pickOrthoChains/{query}.chain_ids

Compute percent sequence identity between the reference and query assemblies in sliding windows across the genome:

If all previous steps have been performed, simply run scripts/computePercentIDbyWindow.sh

Identify the most conserved windows:

For each collated windows file processedInputs/windowPctIDs/{query}/{query}_*bpWindowsSortedByPctID, run scripts/getWindowsCovering5pctOfREFandCollapseByChain.sh processedInputs/windowPctIDs/{query}/{query}_{size}bpWindowsSortedByPctID


Download and decompress a tarball of pre-generated files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7140839 and place the files in processedInputs/slidingWindowCons

12. Run the screen

Run scripts/screenForPercomorphCONDELs.sh screenDefinitionParameters

Screen output will be saved in results