
Code used to obtain results in our currently under revision manuscript "A guide to unsupervised image segmentation of mCT-scanned cellular metal materials with mixture modelling and Markov random fields"

Primary LanguagePython

Unsupervised Image Segmentation With Mixture Models And Markov Random Fields

The code was used to obtain the results in our manuscript "A guide to unsupervised image segmentation of mCT-scanned cellular metal materials with mixture modelling and Markov random fields" by Branislav Panić, Matej Borovinšek, Matej Vesenjak, Simon Oman and Marko Nagode, which is currently under revision in Materials&Design.

Python Package Requirements

  • numba with cuda support
  • numpy
  • scikit-image
  • tqdm
  • yaml

Install them with pip!

R Package Requirements

  • rebmix
  • imager
  • yaml
  • argparser

Install them inside running R console with "install.packages" function.

Running main.py python script

Prerequisitions: It is best to put images in "images/" directory where source code is located and create "labels/" directory for storing the segmentated images!

Following command line arguments can be supplied to the script:

  • "--cwd": Current working directory. Supply with full path. Defaulting to os.getcwd().
  • "--images-dir": Images directory. Supply with relative path to cwd. Defaulting to "images/".
  • "--pdf": Probability density function of mixture model. Supply with one of "normal", "lognormal", "gamma", "Weibull" or "Gumbel". Defaulting to "normal"
  • "--cmax": Maximum possible number of components in mixture model for model selection. Supply with integer value. Defaulting to 64.
  • "--cmin": Minimum possible number of components in mixture model for model selection. Supply with integer value. Defaulting to 1.
  • "--target-pixel-number": Target pixel number that porous structure should contain. Supply with integer value. This argument does not have default value and is recommended. Please read paper for more information.
  • "--merge-clusters-rounding": Rounding when calculating true/false clusters. Supply with one of "nearest", "upper" or "lower". Defaulting to "nearest".
  • "--beta": Beta parameter for Markov random fields. Supply with positive float. Defaults to 1.
  • "--nbr-of-icm-iters": Number of iterations of ICM algorithm. Currently, the ICM is not fully parallelized with CUDA so set this sparingly. Defaulting to 1.
  • "--save-dir": Segmentation directory. Supply with relative path to cwd. Defaulting to "labels/"

Example running script:

python main.py --target-pixel-number 1999231