
uni project

Primary LanguageC


An SDL2 application that shows a field of Immigration (Conway's Game of Life for two players)


The executable takes a number of command line options:

    -f field            : file to read starting field from
    -w width -h height  : dimentions for new starting field (ignored if field passed)
    -a                  : autosave - if passed the game will be saved every iteration

If the same option is passed multiple times, only the last is counted.

You can load a sample file like this: ./game -f "sample saves/test.txt"

Options can be chained as follows: ./game -wha 30 20


- LEFTCLICK to place a Cell in team A
- RIGHTCLICK to place a Cell in team B
- Pressing twice will reset to empty Cell
- press SPACE to advance the game by one step
- hold P to continually advance the game
- press S to export the current state of the game to a savefile (use -a option to do this continually)