
A Node.js wrapper for Filemaker's Data API (REST API)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A Node.js wrapper for Filemaker's Data API (REST API)

This API was tested with Filemaker 18 Data Api and using Filemaker ID login services.

Development is in progress.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You will need Filemaker Server 18 and enable the Data API. There is plenty of online documentation describing how to do this.

I have also supplied my testing file - db.fmp12.

Running the tests

Run all tasks including tests:

npm i gulp-cli -g

Run only tests:


Note: fmrestSpec.js is commented out; uncomment it to test in your own environment

API Code Samples

Almost every function returns a Promise except createRequest, createGlobal and createSort.


npm install fmrest

const Fmrest = require('fmrest');

// Set configuration
// Specify fmid for use with your Filemaker ID
const filemaker = new Fmrest({
    user: "user",
    password: "pass",
    host: "host",
    database: "db",
    auth: "fmid", // basic or fmid
//  layout: "db"  // optional at time of login

// Layout is not required for authentication anymore
filemaker.setLayout('db'); // need to supply layout eventually


// Login
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Logout
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));


// Create Record
const values = {
    "name": "Bill",
    "address": "102 park ave",
    "date": "6/21/2017"

    .createRecord(values) // if empty, creates record w/ default values
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Delete Record
    .deleteRecord(2) // supply with Filemaker's unique interal recordID
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Edit Record
const values2 = {
    "name": "James",
    "address": "105 lake dr",
    "date": "6/22/2017"

    .editRecord(2, values2)
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Get Record
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Get Record w/ Portal Data
let portal1 = filemaker
    .createPortal('portal1', 1, 2); // (portal name, offset, limit)
                                    // offset and limit are optional
let portal2 = filemaker
    .createPortal('portal2', 1, 2);

    .getRecord(3, [portal1, portal2])
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Get All Records
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Get All Records w/ Portal Data, sorting, offset and limit
let portal1 = filemaker

let sort1 = filemaker
    .createSort('name', 'ascend');

        offset: 1,
        limit: 10,
        sorts: [sort1],
        portals: [portal1]
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Upload Files to Container Fields
const containerFieldName = 'container';
const containerFieldRep = '1';
const recordId = '3';
const fs = require('fs');
const file = fs.createReadStream(`${__dirname}/filemaker_logo_vert.png`);

    .uploadFile({ file, recordId, containerFieldName, containerFieldRep })
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));


// Find Records
let request = filemaker

    .find({requests: [request]})
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Find w/ multiple requests
let request = filemaker

let request2 = filemaker

filemaker               // Append .omit() to make the request omit records
    .find({requests: [request.omit(), request2]})
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Find w/ multiple requests and sorting
let request = filemaker

let request2 = filemaker

let sort = filemaker
    .createSort('name', 'ascend');

let sort2 = filemaker
    .createSort('address', 'descend');

        requests: [request, request2],
        sorts: [sort, sort2]
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

// Find w/ all optional parameters
let request = filemaker.createRequest().where('name').is('*');

let sort = filemaker.createSort('name', 'ascend');

let portal1 = filemaker.createPortal('portal1', 1, 1);

        requests: [request],
        sorts: [sort],      // optional
        offset: 2,          // optional
        limit: 10,          // optional
        portals: [portal1]  // optional
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));

Set Global Fields

// Set Global Fields
let global1 = filemaker
    .createGlobal('db::global1', 'aValue');

let global2 = filemaker
    .createGlobal('db::global2', 'anotherValue');

    .setGlobals([global1, global2])
    .then(body => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 3));


  • Layout is optional at login
  • Add optional fm data source to login body
  • Add support for OAuth
  • Add support for filemaker id login
  • Add support for Container Data
  • Global fields are still not working (help :)
  • Add script query parameters to Records


Filemaker Data 18 API Guide

Contributing / Code of Conduct

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details