
Database Schema

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Question List

Set 1:

  • Question 1:

    Which countries have the most Invoices?

    💡 Use the Invoice table to determine the countries that have the most invoices.

    💡 Provide a table of BillingCountry and Invoices ordered by the number of invoices for each country.

    💡 The country with the most invoices should appear first.

  • Question 2:

    Which city has the best customers?

    💡 We would like to throw a promotional Music Festival in the city we made the most money.

    💡 Write a query that returns the 1 city that has the highest sum of invoice totals.

    💡 Return both the city name and the sum of all invoice totals.

  • Question 3:

    Who is the best customer?

    💡 The customer who has spent the most money will be declared the best customer.

    💡 Build a query that returns the person who has spent the most money.

    💡 I found the solution by linking the following three: Invoice, InvoiceLine, and Customer tables to retrieve this information, but you can probably do it with fewer!

Set 2:

  • Question 1:

    Return the email, first name, last name, and Genre of all Rock Music listeners.

    💡 Return your list ordered alphabetically by email address starting with A.

    💡 Can you find a way to deal with duplicate email addresses so no one receives multiple emails?

  • Question 2:

    Who is writing the rock music?

    💡 Now that we know that our customers love rock music, we can decide which musicians to invite to play at the concert.

    💡 Let's invite the artists who have written the most rock music in our dataset.

    💡 Write a query that returns the Artist name and total track count of the top 10 rock bands.

  • Question 3:

    💡 First, find which artist has earned the most according to the InvoiceLines?

    💡 Now use this artist to find which customer spent the most on this artist.

Set 3:

  • Question 1:

    We want to find out the most popular music Genre for each country.

    💡 We determine the most popular genre as the genre with the highest amount of purchases.

    💡 Write a query that returns each country along with the top Genre.

    💡 For countries where the maximum number of purchases is shared return all Genres.

  • Question 2:

    Return all the track names that have a song length longer than the average song length.

    💡 Return the Name and Milliseconds for each track. Order by the song length with the longest songs listed first.

  • Question 3:

    Write a query that determines the customer that has spent the most on music for each country.

    💡 Write a query that returns the country along with the top customer and how much they spent.

    💡 For countries where the top amount spent is shared, provide all customers who spent this amount.