Prueba-Formulario Registro Derechos de Imagen

Introduction 📚

The purpose of the following form is to register user data that authorizes or not their right to the dissemination of images. It consists of a connection with Mysql as a database whose connection is made through a file generated in the PHP programming language, an api service mounted from an asynchronous function with the JavaScript programming language. The frontend is built with HTML and libraries like Bootstrap and SweetAlert via CDN.

The features that this project follows are 🚀 :

  • Creation of HTML form with post method.
  • Creation of inputs for data capture in the data record.
  • Creation of fetch service and calling the DOM, through javascript.
  • Creation of "test" database with table "registro_authorización" with assigned names and that will be the link between the database and the connection in php
  • Creating connection in PHP
  • Data Record in Database

Starting 🌎


Tools 🧰

  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Sweetalert2