{ “name” : “Verónica Moreno Flores”,
   “role” : “Fullstack Dev”,
   “data” : 
      "Linkedin" : "https://www.linkedin.com/in/vmorenoflores/", 
      "Resume"   : "https://veromoreno.github.io/",
      "IG"       : "https://www.instagram.com/veritechie"

🚀 Principal Stack

Programming Languages

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Tools & Technologies

My objective is to be able to share and motivate people who feel a strong concern for development, programming and the technology sector. I have always been able to transmit good feelings when communicating with others and I am always willing to help, that is why I enjoy providing the necessary information to all those interested in technology. We are already 20K!

🌱 I'm currently learning... / Last Projects

  • GraphQL / Heroku / Docker
  • Advance React JS
  • MEAN Stack Course (With official certificate in MongoDB)
  • FullStack Bootcamp with Midudev in Codesandbox

🗣 Veronica as speaker

Warpnet Colloquium of Women for Change 👩‍💻CODERS & GAMERS 🎮
Talk to inspire future generations about great opportunities that offers the figure of women in technology and Esports sectors Click to see

Sometimes I write

Github Stats:

🎧 I love music! | Spotify Playing

spotify playing