
Back-end for Nailed it, a nail polish management solution.


Nailed It is a web browser application with which you can manage your nail polish collection.

How to run for development

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install all dependencies
npm i
  1. Create a PostgreSQL database with whatever name you want
  2. Configure the .env.development file using the .env.example file (see "Running application locally or inside docker section" for details)
  3. Run all migrations
npm run migration:run
  1. Seed db
npm run dev:seed
  1. Run the back-end in a development environment:
npm run dev

How to run tests

  1. Follow the steps in the last section
  2. Configure the .env.test file using the .env.example file (see "Running application locally or inside docker" section for details)
  3. Run all migrations
npm run migration:run
  1. Run test: (locally)
npm run test