
Primary LanguageC

-wir brauchen extrem simples operator framework fuer:
+procedural mesh generation (sphere fuer demo test)
+procedural texture generation (generally usefull)
+expressing rendering as operator graph (fbo, gpu based image processing etc. -> for ssao)
->requires support for multiple outputs (multirendertarget)
+gpu based particle system graph
+channel operator graph (required for best application of sync data from processing)
->requires lazy evaluation since we dont want to presample the channels

-base/gfx/Mesh.h (look at cinder, openframework, etc.)
->status execute()
->std::vector<OperatorPtr> m_inputs
->schreibt in std::vector<ObjectPtr> m_outputs;
-base/op/OpGroup.h //derives from op
->maintains list of all ops it contains
->status execute(  ) from operator
->->starts at finalOp and traverses the tree. fully evaluates all input ops
->input from parent group passed using GroupInputOp (similar to houdini's for each vop)
->has a finalOp which provides the result of the group
->status connect( src, dst ) // appends src to inputs of dst

DONE: stage1:
DONE: SphereOp to create a Mesh
DONE: Mesh::getGeometry() to turn it into a renderable
DONE: and render it

RenderOp (group)
RenderMeshOp to display a mesh on screen



-figure out how to handle forward declaration. compiletime will increase if we dont do something here
-Attribute bind function uploads all data every time - should only be done when something has changed
-context render uploads the whole index buffer everytime geometry is rendered - should be done only when index buffer changes
-attribute bind as uniform, when being a sampler used uniformindex as texture unit to bind to - very bad - need textureunit management


soon we will need a way to serialise objects. For example after editing our clouds effect we want to save it and later load it with the saved settings.

use case: cloud effect
-the cloud effect is basically a shader
-edit clouds effect values using ui -> this changes class members and attributes(uniforms) which are passed to shader
-serialise the clouds effect the data is burried within the attributes (uniforms)

-ideally: no << or >> operator overloading and serialising to stream
-I like goggles protocoll buffers (map of key value pairs). because their approach allows smoother interoperability between different versions

the clouds node is basically a wrapper around the cloudshader. it also contains a texture (clouds_parameters) and other things which are updated when inputs change.

the glsl code has a lots of uniforms and attributes of which some of them are used internally (clouds_parameters texture) but others might be exposed.

the wrapped glsl shader will be the output of the clouds effect.

update is implicitly carried out when shader is bound. at that time the render code iterates over the uniforms/attributes of the shader and updates them on the gpu.

render geometry

this node just does a context->render( shader, geometry )


execute function

no update has to be carried out since the execute function passed will be used when needed by downstream nodes

is basically a group node which contains a subgraph.

pos/normal buffer texture
depth buffer texture

color buffer texture

distilled ideas:

-nodes should be able to pass any of their members (data or methods) to other nodes
-if 2 references are connected a datacontainer is created inbetween the connection and given to both
	todo: how to handle traits?
	maybe outputsockets can have traits associated with them