A simple converter from ASCIIMath to LaTeX or MathML and from MathML to LaTeX
- 0
Set proper logs
#18 opened by SathinduGA - 0
- 4
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: failed to load external entity "NULL", line 1, column 128
#12 opened by retsyo - 0
ASCIIMath2Tex frac error
#15 opened by SPRCSY - 2
- 1
translation typo
#11 opened by uhoefel - 1
TeX to ASCIImath \frac error
#14 opened by Lyudol - 1
Also about LaTex translate to AsciiMath
#9 opened by tomc14-cc - 0
Too many the brace character generated in the translation from LaTex to AsciiMath
#10 opened by tomc14-cc - 3
About translate LaTex to AsciiMath
#8 opened by tomc14-cc - 0
Enhancement - MathML XSLT refactoring
#3 opened by belerico - 0
Enhancement - MathML support
#1 opened by belerico