CA Unified Infrastructure Management (CA UIM) is an Enterprise solution that enables organizations to monitor:
networking services
network devices
private and public clouds
CA UIM offers the following monitoring configuration capabilities:
Local monitoring - CA UIM provides local monitoring, which allows a managed device to be monitored even when the device becomes temporarily disconnected from the rest of the management system. For example, in the event of a network outage.
Remote monitoring - CA UIM can also remotely monitor devices and applications. For example, UIM can act as a remote client in client-server environments.
SNMP monitoring - CA UIM can communicate with network devices using SNMP. In addition, UIM can receive and process SNMP traps.
This role will install the UIM Robot (or agent)
This installation needs a local webserver to host the binary and config files, the directory name under which each component is stored is the checksum of each object.
Role Variables
The following varibles are provided via extra vars file. This is an example.
CA UIM Linux Robot Vars
linux_uim_robot_pkg: 'nimsoft-robot.x86_64.rpm'
linux_uim_robot_pkg_url: 'http://yourwebserver.localdomain/data/{{ linux_uim_robot_pkg_chksum }}/{{ linux_uim_robot_pkg }}'
linux_uim_robot_pkg_chksum: '6ef177dd67a7713cf7bd2cdd5683944c9a1c64e52e5ff03d20b34b6e91cf2ede'
linux_uim_robot_config: 'nms-robot-vars.cfg'
linux_uim_robot_config_url: 'http://yourwebserver.localdomain/data/{{ linux_uim_robot_config_chksum }}/{{ linux_uim_robot_config }}'
linux_uim_robot_confi:g_chksum: 'd2c189d67f1d7a4979a6ca43dd0d54921f8f2077c7afc642f18a0faab68bbe63'
CA UIM Windows Robot Vars
win_uim_robot_pkg_url: 'http://yourwebserver.localdomain/data/DML000616/nimsoft-robot-x64_7-93.exe'
#win_uim_robot_pkg_url: 'http://yourwebserver.localdomain/data/ad57a0cc71a567138622de667cebdfe7e8c8df8fd1c69d31ccad60d2bd684baa/{{ win_uim_robot_pkg }}'
win_uim_robot_pkg: 'nimsoft-robot-x64_7-93.exe'
win_uim_robot_config: 'robot.cfg'
win_uim_robot_config_url: 'http://yourwebserver.localdomain/data/{{ win_uim_robot_config_chksum }}/{{ win_uim_robot_config }}'
win_uim_robot_config_chksum: 'd2c189d67f1d7a4979a6ca43dd0d54921f8f2077c7afc642f18a0faab68bbe63'
win_robot_pkg_productcode: 'D4BD8ECF-3D32-4F3E-A4DB-A87052CFD4EA'
CA UIM Robot Config
robot_domain: 'dev'
robot_hub: 'hub-01A'
robot_hubip: ''
robot_hubrobotname: 'ca-uim1.localdomain'
robot_hubport: '48002'
secondary_robot_hub: 'hub-01B'
secondary_robot_hubip: ''
secondary_robot_hubrobotname: 'ca-uim2.localdomain'
secondary_robot_hubport: '48002'
Example Playbook
This is how you might include the agent in a role.
- hosts: servers
- ca-uim-robot
Author Information
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).