
SPA with VueJS and C# using .NET Core

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Love Pizza

I have written a tutorial about how I did this. You can find it here or here

SPA with VueJS and C# using .NET Core

A web app where users can signup/login, and just tell us how much they love pizzas by pressing an "I love it" button. There are no restrictions on the number of times each user can tell us their appreciation, the only requirement is that only logged in users can vote. In the home page, along with the signup/login buttons, we can put a little bar-chart displaying the top 10 users with the highest appreciation (in the X-axis) and in the Y-axis the number of votes.


screenshot screenshot

Test users



...or register a new one via SIGN UP option on the login screen.


Project setup

From root project directory:

cd /frontend && npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

From root project directory:

cd /frontend && npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

From root project directory:

cd /frontend && npm run build

Run your unit tests

From root project directory:

cd /frontend && npm run test:unit

Run your end-to-end tests

First start the server from /backend folder:

dotnet run

Then from /frontend folder:

npm run test:e2e


To run the server app:

cd /backend && dotnet run

To run the back-end tests:

cd /backend/tests && dotnet test