
Keep your discord account always online easily!

Primary LanguagePython


Keep your discord account always online easily!

How to setup?

  1. Go to https://replit.com/ and create a new account in it!
  2. Create a new repl and upload the files!
  3. Click on Secrets (Enviroment Variables) and Add new scret with the key as TOKEN and enter your accounts token as the value
  4. Save it
  5. Go back to main.py and run the file!

Editing the file ~ Important

This file can keep your account online + keep your connected to a voice channel all the time! All you need is the id of the voice channel, you can replace the voice channel if with the id in line 35 : vc = client.get_channel(YourVCidHere) and you are all good to go!

Keeping the repl 24x7 online!

  1. Go to https://uptimerobot.com/
  2. Create an account
  3. Click on Add new monitor
  4. Select monitor type as HTTP(s)
  5. Fill any friendly name you like to have!
  6. Paste the url that ends with repl.co in the URL section (example: https://Always-Online-Discord.hirushaadikari.repl.co)
  7. Click on Create Monitor and click it again!