
A react native module to play 360 videos, using the SGPlayer for iOS, and Google VR for Android

Primary LanguageObjective-C


React Native module to play 360 videos, using the SGPlayer for iOS, and Google VR for Android, this plugin was tested using react native 0.61


Getting started

npm i react-native-video360plugin --save


  • This component was tested in React Native 0.61 with automatic linking, but I think that it should work in older versions linking manually.
  • don't forget to run 'pod install' in iOS folder cd ios && pod install
  • in Android test in a real device or android Q simulator I don't know but VR SDK fails in a lot of simulators but not in real devices.
  • in iOS if you want to run in a real device go to Pods-> Development Pods -> react-native-video-360 -> react-native-video360.podspec open it and uncoment production and comment simulator lines, then run 'pod install' again. I wanted to build the framework for all architectures but it didn't worked, ill try to fix this in the future
# dev simulator
 # s.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'Frameworks/SGPlayer.framework','Frameworks/SGPlatform.framework'
 # production
 s.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'Frameworks/arm/SGPlayer.framework','Frameworks/arm/SGPlatform.framework'


<Video360 urlVideo={videoUrl} modeVideo={modeVideo} style={{ flex: 1}} />

Video Modes

 if(modeVideo == 1)
      _playerView.demoType = DemoType_AVPlayer_VR;
    if(modeVideo == 2)
      _playerView.demoType = DemoType_AVPlayer_VR_Box;
    if(modeVideo == 3)
      _playerView.demoType = DemoType_AVPlayer_Normal;

but I use like this, wraping it in a modal that is triggered by a button that sets the url and the video mode.

	<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'black' }}>
		<View style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 20, left: 15, zIndex: 10 }}>
		<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => { setModalVisible(false)}}>
		<Text style={{ color: 'white' }}>close</Text>
	<Video360 urlVideo={videoUrl} modeVideo={modeVideo} style={{ flex: 1}} />

video modes

if(modeVideo == 1)
      _playerView.demoType = DemoType_AVPlayer_VR; // 360
    if(modeVideo == 2)
      _playerView.demoType = DemoType_AVPlayer_VR_Box; // 360 with glases
    if(modeVideo == 3)
      _playerView.demoType = DemoType_AVPlayer_Normal; // normal

Android Usage

same as ios

<Video360 urlVideo={videoUrl} modeVideo={modeVideo} style={{ flex: 1}} />

it also can have this props


I have taken the android part of code from here https://github.com/altafan/react-native-gvr-video-android/tree/master/android/src/main/java/com/gvrvideo

iOS the player from here https://github.com/libobjc/SGPlayer


  • implement SeekBar in android, it is almost done in the code.. but a soon as i have time ill finish it.
  • complete documentation and javascript interfaces

Questions? davichoso@gmail.com