Adds the ability to edit a boolean field directly from the index or detail page of a resource.
$ composer require markrassamni/inline-boolean
Use the MarkRassamni\InlineBoolean\InlineBoolean
field in your Nova resource:
And add trait DisableRulesForInline
use MarkRassamni\InlineBoolean\InlineBoolean;
use MarkRassamni\InlineBoolean\DisableRulesForInline;
class MyResource extends Resource
use DisableRulesForInline;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
->inlineOnIndex() // Use inline field on the index page
->inlineOnDetail() // Use inline field on the detail page
->enableMessage('Boolean has been enabled.') // Toast message when enabling boolean
->disableMessage('Boolean has been disabled.') // Toast message when disabling boolean
->trueText('Enabled') // Change the text describing true boolean values
->falseText('Disabled') // Change the text describing false boolean values
->showTextOnIndex() // Show true/false text beside the checkbox on the index page