Dance classes scheduler

This application connects dance teachers and students and provide a platform to manage and book dance classes.

Getting started

  1. Make sure that you have git properly set up in your machine and you have access to Github
  2. Open the terminal and clone this project to your machine
git clone
  1. Install a package manager, such as Homebrew (if you use mac)
  2. Use rbenv to install the right Ruby version. You can find info about rbenv here
  3. You'll also need to have Ruby installed in your machine and running the 2.3.8 version by default
rbenv install 2.3.8
rbenv global 2.3.8
  1. Install Rails 5.2.6 (never do sudo gem install rails even if the terminal tells you so)
gem install rails -v 5.2.6
  1. If you don't have bundler and yarn installed, you need to install NVM - version 14.15.0 and then
gem install bundler
npm install --global yarn
  1. After that, run the following commands to make all the dependencies available to your application
bundle install
yarn install
  1. At last, you just need to create and seed the development database, and run the rails server on your local host
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s
  1. You'll be able to open the application by coping the following link to your browser

Login in

This app has two types of users: students and teachers. You can sign up using your email, or use an existing teacher for testing purposes. You can use the e-mail '' and password 'maria1234', which is an existing teacher.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021