
How to obtain/design nongenomic sequence?

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Hi developers,

Thanks for developing this tool and useful resources. I checked the known probes provided by and found that only the genome sequence is provided.

However, from, it describes the a whole probe should include nongenomic sequences at their 5' and/or 3' ends. How should I obtain or design such sequence for actual experiments?

Oligopaints - Oligopaint probes consist of computationally designed single-stranded oligos that can target their genomic complements while avoiding repeated sequences (Brian J. Beliveau et al. PNAS 2012; Nat. Comms. 2015). They carry a region of genomic homology that is generally ~32-42 bases long, and carry nongenomic sequences at their 5' and/or 3' ends. These regions, called Mainstreet and Backstreet, respectively, augment the cost-effectiveness of Oligopaints by enabling the libraries to be renewed through amplification or multiplexed through sublibrary-specific primer and barcodes sequences. Universal - a 20 nt universal PCR primer sequence at both ends of each Oligopaint oligo, which acts as a simple tool to amplify an entire Oligopaints library at once.



Thanks a lot