Belkacar custom PIP for WSO2 IS

Setup instructions


  1. Go to <PIP_HOME>
  2. Build project via mvn package

Copy required binaries

  1. Copy the created target/com.belkacar.wso.pip-1.0.0.jar to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory.
  2. Copy any dependency libraries for the PIP module to <IS_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory. This includes
    • lib/converter-gson-2.1.0.jar
    • lib/okhttp-3.3.0.jar
    • lib/okio-1.8.0.jar
    • lib/retrofit-2.1.0.jar

Configure 5. Edit configs/repository/conf/identity/ file - find line com.belkacar.wso.pip.RestAttributeFinderModule.1=Endpoint, - replace value with actual environment-dependant value - copy configs/repository/conf/identity/ to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity directory

Restart the server if it has been started already.

Testing instructions

Follow the WSO instructions. Test policy is ./policy.xml