
A test project for creating a docker image for the run as QNAP ContainerStation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap Test-in Test-in

Login your GitHub Account

  1. Create the GitHub PAT.
    $ delete:packages, repo, write:packages
  2. Create key.txt file and copy you PAT in this file.
    $ vim key.txt
  3. Login GitHub docker.
    $ docker login https://docker.pkg.github.com --username bell-rabbit --password-stdin < key.txt
  4. Get the GitHub docker image.
    $ docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/bell-rabbit/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap:v1.0.0.0

Creat the docker image in GitHub Package

  1. Build Docker
    $ docker build -t my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap-arm-v7 --no-cache --platform linux/arm/v7 .
  2. Add a Tag
    $ docker tag my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap-arm-v7 docker.pkg.github.com/bell-rabbit/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap-linux-arm-v7:latest
  3. Push Docker image to GitHub
    $ docker push docker.pkg.github.com/bell-rabbit/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap-linux-arm-v7:latest

Deploy to QNAP Container Station

  1. Login Qnap by SSH
  2. Get your Image in GitHub
  3. Create your Container in QNAP Container Station UI.
    1. Goto ContainerStation
    2. Create Container qnap-create-container.png qnap-create-container_1.png
    3. OK qnap-create-container_4.png

The Username is not supported the "-" or "@" char in the "Add Registry" function.


Deploy to Raspberry Pi

  1. Get your Image in GitHub
  2. list docker image
    $ sudo docker image ls
  3. Run Image
    $ sudo docker run --name my-docker-qnap -d -p 80:8080 -v ~/docker/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap:/usr/src/app/uploads -it docker.pkg.github.com/bell-rabbit/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap/my-test-nodejs-docker-qnap:latest
  4. list all container (IF)
    $ sudo docker ps -a
  5. delete container (IF)
    $ sudo docker container rm <your_container_id>

How To Test

  1. Create the multipart/form-data POST Request
  2. POST to http://<your_ip>:<your_port>/uploadTest
  3. Open your upload image in http://<your_ip>:<your_port>/img/<response_file_name>