
NixOS config files

Primary LanguageNix




We have this setting here for SOPS:

sops.age.keyFile = "/home/n2o/.config/sops/age/keys.txt";

This means, before building the system, you need to put your AGE-SECRET-KEY there.

Memos to Myself

  • If an app just doesn't want to disappear from Launchpad, although you've installed and uninstalled it several times through Nix and whatnot, this command will definitely remove it:

    sqlite3 $(find /private/var/folders \( -name com.apple.dock.launchpad -a -user $USER \) 2> /dev/null)/db/db "DELETE FROM apps WHERE title='APP_NAME_CASE_SENSITIVE';" && killall Dock
  • Use Homebrew to install GUI apps. This will save you hours of debugging why an app doesn't want to attach to the Dock and shit like that.

  • Excellent resource: https://github.com/dustinlyons/nixos-config