
This is a hack created for the ACDH virtual Open Data hackathon series 2019. It is a hacky, quick, and dirty proof of concept. It was only executed on a part of Das Mittelmeer. Handbuch für Reisende: Digitale Ausgabe, due to time and performance constraints. Note that adding coordinates was limited to the mediterranean region only for this example.

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This is a hack created for the ACDH virtual Open Data hackathon series 2019. It is a hacky, quick, and dirty proof of concept. It was only executed on a part of Das Mittelmeer. Handbuch für Reisende: Digitale Ausgabe, due to time and performance constraints. Note that adding coordinates was limited to the mediterranean region only for this example.

You can view the result on: https://bellerophons-pegasus.github.io/xmlTEIontheMap/

The idea

  1. Take an annotated TEI encoded XML file where potential places are already marked as named entities in this way:
<w lemma="Athen" type="NE" xml:id="MM_d1e2915">Athen</w>
  1. For each named entity try to determine if it is a place, then do some basic disambiguation and find coordinates for it.

  2. Add the newly found coordinate information into the TEI encoded XML file according to TEI specifications; e.g.:

<place type="city">
  <w lemma="Athen" type="NE" xml:id="MM_d1e2915">Athen</w>
  <geo>37.9838 23.7275</geo>
  1. Use the new file for display on a webpage. On left side: pretty formatted text (with CETEIcean). On right side: a leaflet map with markers of all places encoded in the currently visible snippet.

Further work

  • See initail comments in geocoding/geocode.py
  • Clean up pagination display (not properly hidden elements)
  • Add clustering of markers on map
  • Link markers to their respective mention in the text and highlight it there
  • Scale up to large documents

Ideas for more

  • Allow correction of coordinates in xml via map display
  • Find an automated way to convert an XSLT to a css and behavior of CETEIcean

Things used

Other useful resources:

Instructions for own use

  • download repository
  • install required libraries for Python mentioned above
  • in geocoding/geocode.py in the section 'Parsing the xml-file' input your xml file
  • execute geocoding/geocode.py
  • copy the resulting file into source-web
  • in index.html in the section 'CODE TO RUN CETEICEAN' change the source to your newly created source
  • open index.html in your browser and see the result