
Interactive map for the Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Border Clash 2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Border Clash 2022

This repository holds the code for the map, the displayed data in CSV and JSON, along with the before/after satellite imagery shown on the map.

More on development

Built with vite, vue.js and vuetify.

# install dependencies
npm install
# run locally with hot reload
npm run dev
# same but share on local network
npm run dev -- --host
# build (optional)
npm run build
# deploy
npm run deploy-ghpages

# lint fix
npm run lint

Configuring data/translations

  1. incidents present in incidents.json
  2. villages configs in config.js
  3. translations in config.js and locales/ (en and ru)

Fetching geojson's from yandex maps

  1. find the village
  2. Network > find the search?ajax=1 request which returns a large payload with all the village's data
  3. Extract, format and find the GeometryCollection info.
<iframe src="https://bellingcat.github.io/vis-tj-kg-map-2022?disable-scroll=1&ask-embeds=0" title="Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Border Clash 2022 map" height="640" width="100%" allow="fullscreen; clipboard-write; "></iframe>

<iframe src="http://localhost:3000?disable-scroll=1&ask-embeds=0" title="Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Border Clash 2022 map" height="640" width="100%" allow="fullscreen; clipboard-write; "></iframe>

Optional GET parameters:

  1. disable-scroll=1 - will disable auto-scroll on the left side panel - needed for <iframe> embeds.
  2. ask-embeds=0 - will not show dialog to ask for embeds when clicking the actions menu for the first time.
  3. no-cover=1 - will not show the initial cover pane
  4. no-cover=0 - will force show the initial cover pane
  5. lang=en/ru - will overwrite the default display language en