Ourchive is a configurable, multi-media archive application. It grew out of a need for archival web apps that focus on browsability and searchability, and are able to be easily installed and maintained by a non-technical administrator.
Ourchive runs on Django, using Django Rest Framework for the backend. The following stack is recommended:
Host: Debian Linux
Server: NGINX
Database: Postgres
Task scheduler: Advanced Python Scheduler
Search: Postgres
File Upload: Django
FFMPEG should be installed on the Linux machine to enable audio processing. Audio processing is a configurable setting.
see local-dev for further local dev set up.
- USE THIS APP! spin up an archive, play around with it, and when you run into issues, please log them as github issues! good bug reporting guidelines
- Tell others about this app - word of mouth is always helpful.
We welcome technical contributions as well:
- Submit a code fix for a bug. Grab a bug out of the issue tracker and fix that sucker! Then make a pull request to the repo. pull request guidelines
- Submit a new feature request as a GitHub issue.
- Work on a feature that's on the roadmap, or unassigned in the release version! Then make a pull request to the repo. pull request guidelines
- Submit a unit test.
- Submit another unit test. Maybe even a ui test if you're feeling frisky!
Please see the wiki for more on technical contributions, PR guidelines, and so on.
(ganked with love from azure)
Please see the code of conduct and diversity statement.
We have used Unsplash free images for icon defaults.
All frameworks and tools we are using are open source, including:
- Django
- Postgres
- Docker
- pytest
- The Noun Project (icons)
- UIKit (CSS + JS)