== Rails Spec Integration Plugin The Spec Integration plugin brings together RSpec on Rails and Rails integration testing, while also adding a number of very useful new matchers and some more integration testing DSL methods. === Installation script/plugin install git://github.com/aiwilliams/spec_integration.git === Quick Start It's easy to get started. Create a directory named 'integration' in your spec directory, right alongside your controllers, models, and views spec directories. In your spec_helper: require 'spec/integration' A simple integration spec looks like this: # in spec/integration/signup_spec.rb require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper" describe "Logging in" do dataset :single_person it "should send a user to the home page after login" do # get the login page get "/login" response.should be_success # post the login and follow through to the home page post "/login", :username => people(:jamis).username, :password => people(:jamis).password follow_redirect! response.should be_success path.should == "/home" end end This is taken straight from integration.rb, the Rails integration test documentation. Of course, it's been modified to specify instead of assert! === Integration DSL Spec Integration adds some great tools to make you even more productive. An example explains some of these features best. # in spec/integration/signup_spec.rb require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper" describe "Logging in" do dataset :single_person before do navigate_to login_path end it "should send a user to the home page after login" do submit_form :username => people(:jamis).username, :password => people(:jamis).password response.should be_showing(home_path) end end The dataset method is provided by another plugin, Dataset(1). It's a great alternative to fixtures. navigate_to, submit_form, and be_showing are a few of the DSL methods provided by the Spec Integration plugin. navigate_to does a get, as in the prior test, but it also follows redirects and generally ensures that navigating worked - the document isn't missing, the template rendered, etc. submit_form posts the parameters (actually, it uses the method defined in the rendered form's action attribute), follows any redirects, and ensures that all that was successful. In fact, it does even more. Check out spec/integration/dsl/form.rb to learn more. be_showing returns a matcher that ensures the response has the expected path. === More Information (1) http://github.com/aiwilliams/dataset == Credits Written by [Adam Williams](http://github.com/aiwilliams). Contributors: - [John Long](http://github.com/jlong) - [Steve Iannopollo](http://github.com/siannopollo) - [Austin Taylor](http://github.com/dotjerky) --- Spec Integration is released under the MIT-License and is Copyright (c)2007-2009 Adam Williams.
Rails integration testing support for RSpec, plus useful 'domain' extensions and matchers.