
KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine & Korlibs

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION


Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine

Build Status Maven Central Discord

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Info about the project:


KorGE and all the other korlibs in a single monorepo.

To use this version in other projects, you have to publish it locally to mavenLocal, and then use as version:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

If you want to make changes and easily try things. You can run the korge-sandbox module that runs the src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt file; you can make experiments there:

./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runJvm
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runJs
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runNativeDebug
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runNativeRelease
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runAndroidRelease
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runIosDeviceRelease