
Language clustering of the musicXmatch dictionary in the Million Song Dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Language clustering of the MSD musicXmatch dictionary

musiXmatch contributed the lyrics of 237,662 tracks to the Million Song Dataset. These lyrics are restricted to the top 5,000 words across the set, which contains several languages. The dataset doesn't tell in which language each song is written, nor to which language(s) each word might belong. We do not know how many languages there are in the dataset, nor their proportions in the dictionary. Nevertheless, it may be useful to group words and/or songs per language.

This project uses hierarchical clustering to group words by language, based on word co-occurences in the dataset. The rationale for using hierarchical clustering over other clustering methods is that a) we do no know how many clusters/languages there might be in the dataset and b) we can expect clusters/languages to have very different word counts. Hierarchical clustering places every word on a same footing and allows for the detection of clusters of vastly varying sizes.


The clustered dictionary of the musicXmatch dataset can be found in file mxm_clustered_dictionary.txt. A Jupyter notebook explains how the clusters were chosen.

Note that this dictionary is skewed towards the most represented languages in the dataset, e.g. the word "in" is classified as English despite belonging to many other languages.

The analysis is based on the musiXmatch dataset, the official lyrics collection for the Million Song Dataset, available at: http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/millionsong/musixmatch


The analysis is written in Clojure.

  • The code requires the musiXmatch dataset to have been loaded into an H2 SQL database.

  • A matrix of word co-occurences is then assembled, with element (i,j) the number of tracks in which words (i) and (j) appear together (standardised by the total number of tracks in which word (i) appears). Each word is hence represented in the matrix by the vector of its "co-words" in the dataset. The rationale behind this is that if two words have the same set of co-words, then these two words are likely to belong to the same language.

  • A hierarchical linkage of the words is performed in Matlab using cosine distance and unweighted average to compute the distance between clusters. The resulting dendrogram was sliced at different levels to produce clusterings with between two and thirty clusters.

  • To help decide how many clusters to consider, each cluster is submitted to the language-detection Java library. For each cluster, the detection is performed over a thousand random phrases of fifty words. Each cluster is allocated the language that seemed the most likely.

  • Each cluster is also attributed a measurement of "compactness", calculated as the cosine of the angle between the cluster and the set of words engendered by the cluster. The higher this cosine, the least the cluster correlates with other words in the dataset.

  • Finally, the database is queried again in order to produce a sample list of artists for every cluster (naively: top x artists that use the top y words in the cluster)

The output of this computation is an edn file. A Jupyter notebook is then used to view the output and assess the optimal number of clusters.


The analysis requires:

  • Leiningen, the build automation tool for Clojure.

  • The H2 database of MSD lyrics, whose path needs to be edited in clustering.clj.

  • Matlab, the numerical computing environment by Mathworks. The Matlab Java engine API should be added to the local Leiningen repository with the lein-localrepo plugin.

  • Jupyter notebook, together with the BeakerX collection of Jupyter kernels.


To run the computation with Leiningen:

  • Edit the dependency to Matlab in project.clj to match the version of the Matlab engine registered in your local Leiningen repo.

  • Edit the path to the database in clustering.clj.

  • Then type lein run to run the analysis with the parameters stored in resources/clustering/default.edn. See the code of clustering.clj for the meaning of parameters.

  • Alternatively, the computation can be run from the REPL, e.g in namespace msdlang.clustering:

(def out 
  (run {:requery   true
        :matlab    {:max-clusters 30 :average "average" :distance "cosine"}
        :language  {:phrase-size 50 :phrase-count 1000}
        :wholeness {:limit 200}
        :artists   {:artist-count 10 :word-count 20}
        :out       "out.edn"}))

Whereas the cluster analysis itself only takes a short time, SQL queries in H2 take a long time (close to 1h on the machine on which this project was coded). This includes creating the cowords matrix (pre-analysis) and then requesting the artists that use words in clusters (post-analysis). To speed things up:

  • The code caches the cowords matrix in /resources/clustering/data/cowords.edn, so the cost of building the matrix only has to be paid once. Set the :requery parameter to true to query the database a first time, and to false subsequently to use the cached file.

  • The request of the top artists per cluster can be turned off by removing :artists from the parameters map.

Once the analysis has run, launch jupyter notebook and open the notebook in resources/clustering/jupyter to explore the results stored in /resources/clustering/data/out.edn. See the online copy of the notebook.


Copyright © 2018 Nicolas Duchenne, Belove Ltd, London, UK

Released under the MIT License.

Based on the musiXmatch dataset, the official lyrics collection for the Million Song Dataset, available at: http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/millionsong/musixmatch