
constants not doucmented

ManuelSchneid3r opened this issue · 6 comments

I use your lib (thank you by the way) in albertlauncher/albert. I link your documentation from the app for users. I noticed that the constants are not documented. It would be nice if you could document the constants _e ,_pi, etc (maybe some i dont know) in the online docs.

By the way is there a reason why they are prefixed with an underscore?

Sure I can add the constants. The reason for using the underscore in constant names is lost to history.

lost to history.

i dont get that. not a native speaker, sorry. can you please rephrase?

No problem. It means that I have no recollection or documentation that explains why i choose to use the underscore in the variable name. Probably to mark it as a constant that is built in.

Can we remap the names? E.g. from _pi to pi. Or do you mind to change these generally?

Probably not because that is how they are named for a long time and a lot of people will start complaining if i change them. You can however define your own constants.

Or let me put it this way: If i come to the conclusion that a majority of active users is in favor of changing the name and if the renaming does not collide with existing functionality (such as "e" conflicting with exponential format) I will probably change it.

Documentation updated