muparser is a fast math parser library for C/C++ with (optional) OpenMP support.
- atfengger
- baajarmehdeveloping a new AI project...
- beltoforionAutomatisierungstechnik Voigt GmbH
- Cpppro
- data-man@contour-terminal
- dismine
- duyanbin
- eemailme
- giraldeau
- intolerantape
- jgeudensBelgium
- jhcloos
- jkhoogland
- JulienMailleAnnecy, France
- justxiGermany
- karailkerSebit Information and Education Inc.
- KeyArts
- laszlo-kissSentio Machina, Inc.
- LordmznEnersem
- mbmiller1994
- mmcgurn
- mrayvaBrooklyn, NY
- nidefawlGermany
- RemotionRemotion, LAUBlab, VRAYforC4D
- simon-fu
- TomFD
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- ttyangf
- unforgiven512Unforgiven Development
- wesleyzeng
- XMatrixXiang
- xuetianjiu
- zhenqinshangtiandy