
Is it possible to get prebuilt `.dll`s?

JonathanILevi opened this issue · 3 comments

I am using MUParser in a project of mine, it has provided a much faster alternative to a serious bottleneck I had.

My project is in D, and I just generated some simple bindings to the C interface; it has been working well:

I am now trying to build my app for Windows, and, well, it is not as simple as Linux to get libraries installed, and being that I am using D bindings, I do not already have C build tools installed.

I would find prebuilt Windows libraries super beneficial. Thanks,

Unfortunately I do not provide precompiled dll's because there are too many variants. (32 bit/64; CLang/VS; Debug/release). This has become unmaintainable.

However I have placed a 64 bit dll compiled with VS2019 here:

I'm willing to build you a 32 bit version if that is what you need but there will not be an official binary distribution. Alternatively you can download visual studio community edition and compile it on your own.

Sorry, thank you for that!

Nothing to be sorry for, let me know if you need a 32 bit dll.