
Search your tweets to find your last go live tweet and post the link in the chat

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

=============================================================================== Name: Retweet Call Version: 1.0.0 Creator: Belug Website: https://github.com/belug23/RetweetCall

This will interface with twitter's API, download your last tweets to parse them and find your last go live tweet and post it to the chat to call for retweets.

You'll need to subscript to the dev twitter website to get your api key and secret.

=== Installation

Prepare your chatbot with those instructions: https://github.com/StreamlabsSupport/Streamlabs-Chatbot/wiki/Prepare-&-Import-Scripts

Download the lastest stable release ZIP from https://github.com/belug23/RetweetCall/releases

Open the script section of the chatbot and use the import command to import the ZIP you downloaded.

Change the settings, save then reload scripts.

=== String placeholders

This script support some placeholders in the strings here's the list

  • {user} = Viewer's username
  • {command} = The help command that display conditions or list of sounds commands
  • {cd} = The cool down time left

Have fun.