
This is a simple Vagrant setup that recreates the following Salt issue: saltstack/salt#23391

Install Vagrant ( for help)

To recreate the issue:

  1. Download the vagrant box: 'vagrant box add'
  2. Startup the vagrant environment: vagrant up
  3. Login to the Vagrant server: vagrant ssh
  4. Run pillar.item and pillar.get for the "python" pillar (they'll return identical results):
  5. sudo salt saltmaster1 pillar.item python
  6. sudo salt saltmaster1 pillar.get python
  7. Update the python pillar: sudo cp /srv/pillarroot/python/basedata.b /srv/pillarroot/python/basedata.sls
  8. Run pillar.item and pillar.get for the "python" pillar (they'll return different results):
  9. sudo salt saltmaster1 pillar.item python
  10. sudo salt saltmaster1 pillar.get python
  11. Run a refresh_pillar: sudo salt saltmaster1 saltutil.refresh_pillar
  12. Run pillar.item and pillar.get for the "python" pillar (they'll return different results):
  13. sudo salt saltmaster1 pillar.item python
  14. sudo salt saltmaster1 pillar.get python