
BEM for Django

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BEM for Django

How to use?

Get NodeJS and NPM

Get BEM Tools

BEM Tools

Copy files

Copy .bem, GNUmakefile, package.json to your Django project root.

Install dependencies

Run npm install to install all dependencies specified in package.json.


Just run make and it will build only what's needed.

What can you do?

Create apps

Django apps are blocks on the project root level. So you can run bem create block <appname> to create new app with all BEM related features inside.

Create models

Models are blocks on <appname>/models level. So you can run bem create block -l <appname>/models <modelname> to create new model.

Create views

Views are blocks on <appname>/pages level. So you can run bem create block -l <appname>/pages <modelname> to create new view.


Tune templates

All templates that are used to create new files are defined in .bem/techs/*.js files. Feel free to modify them.