
bem-tools extention to use autoprefixer during building process

Primary LanguageJavaScript


bem-tools extention to use autoprefixer during building process.


Install with npm:

› npm install bem-tools-autoprefixer

Configure your project's .bem/make.js to use bem-tools-autoprefixer:

// .bem/make.js


MAKE.decl('BundleNode', {

    getTechs : function() {
        return ['bemdecl.js', 'deps.js', 'css', 'prefix.css'];

    'create-prefix.css-node' : function(tech, bundle, magic) {
        return this.createDefaultTechNode.call(this, 'css', bundle, magic);

    'create-prefix.css-optimizer-node' : function(tech, sourceNode, bundle) {
        var borschikCss = this['create-css-optimizer-node'];
        return borschikCss.apply(this, arguments).map(function(source) {
            var node = this.createAutoprefixerNode(tech, source, bundle);
            return borschikCss.call(this, tech, node, bundle);
        }, this);



You can set browser you want to support in your project.

// make.js

MAKE.decl('AutoprefixerNode', {

    getBrowsers : function() {
        return [
            'last 2 versions',
            'firefox >= 20',
            'android 4'


See autoprefixer browsers documentation for more.


Autoprefixer parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use.