
Hooks, in NodeJS, to handle manual certbot queries with domains registred at OVH.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Hooks, in NodeJS, to handle manual certbot queries with domains registred at OVH.

It requires Node 8+.


npm i -g certbot-ovh-hooks


cp -p `npm root -g`/certbot-ovh-hooks/.env /tmp/coh_env_bu && \
  npm i -g certbot-ovh-hooks && \
  mv /tmp/coh_env_bu `npm root -g`/certbot-ovh-hooks/.env


Simply run the following command:


Or copy .env.sample to .env and edit manually.

Some checks

This will check if the configuration is done, your domains list and a reminder on request/renew certs etc.


Query a certificate

certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --manual-auth-hook coh-auth --manual-cleanup-hook coh-cleanup --manual-public-ip-logging-ok -d example.com -d www.example.com

Renew certificates

If you have certificates queried without hooks, you must re-query these certificate to be able to renew them.


certbot renew --quiet

When using Nginx

certbot renew --quiet --deploy-hook "service nginx reload"

Other stuff

And domain

Because sometimes you just want to quickly add/update a domain that point on your server (A or AAAA DNS record):


Note: this will not call certbot automatically, it just allows you to add/update A or AAAA records quickly.